Missoula Downtown (www.missouladowntown.com) Promoting business and cultural events in beautiful downtown Missoula
Montana Public Radio (www.kufm.org) KUFM: programming includes jazz, pop, opera, folk, rock, blues, world, new age, and classical music; in-depth news; literature, comedy, and women's programs; science; and the longest running children's radio program in the country.
Peoples Center (www.peoplescenter.org) The Peoples Center is the place to experience the rich cultural heritage of the Salish, Pend d'Oreille and Kootenai tribes.
Habitat for Humanity (www.habitatmsla.org) A grassroots nonprofit Christian housing ministry dedicated to the elimination of poverty housing in Missoula.
National Weather Service (www.wrh.noaa.gov) National Weather Service Office in Missoula has information on local weather.
WMGLCC (gaymontana.com) Western Montana Gay & Lesbian Community Center in Missoula.
Missoula.com (missoula.com) A community service site by the Missoulian, with an entertainment section and news.
A Carousel for Missoula (carouselformissoula.com) - review A Carousel for Missoula and Dragon Hollow are Community Built Treasures. In downtown Missoula, the park features a three headed dragon protecting a carousel and castle and has an obstacle course, swings and slides.
Meetup (www.meetup.com) Meetup.com is a national site that helps organize local meetings on a variety of topics. To use the program, you sign up for a meeting of interest, when there are enough people, the program will help find a local venue for the meetings.
Montana Green Power (www.montanagreenpower.org) Learn about the development of alternative energy resources through Montana. The site has information on solar energy, wind, bio deisel and other renewable energy resources.
B.P.O.E. #383 (Community Profile) Missoula is home of lodge #383 in the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks.
Rotary Club of Missoula (www.clubrunner.ca) Site includes information on the rotary club of Missoula.
Teen Challenge Pacific Northwest Region (www.teenchallengepnw.com) The Montana Women's Outreach program by Teen Challenge is a faith based recovery service helping young women overcome addiction, abuse or other challenges.
HomeWORD (www.homeword.org) - review homeWORD is a non profit in Missoula and Billings Montana committed to providing safe, healthy affordable housing using sustainable methods and promoting strong communities through housing counseling and education for those most in need.
Montana Food Bank Network (www.mfbn.org) - review Founded in 1983, The Montana Food Bank Network (MFBN) help fights hunger in the Blue Sky state.
YWCA Missoula (www.ywcaofmissoula.org) YWCA Missoula is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Missoula Sunrise Rotary (www.missoulasunriserotary.org) A community based organization serving Missoula, Mt.
Great Marriages (greatmarriages.net) Jim Ramsey of Aletheia Counseling Service offers family and marriage counseling in Missoula.
Poverello Center, Inc (www.thepoverellocenter.org) - review The Poverello Center helps Montana's homeless with food, shelter, help and hope.
CASA of Missoula (www.casamissoula.org) CASA is a Court Appointed Special Advocate--a trained community volunteer appointed by a judge to represent the best interests of abused and neglected children in court.
Youth Homes Missoula (www.youthhomes.com) Youth Homes has programs supporting child welfare in Western Montana.
Camp Mak-A-Dream (www.campdream.org) - review Camp Mak-A-Dream is a program to provide wilderness adventures to provide free, medically supervised wilderness adventures for kids with cancer.
Wheels of Change International (www.wocinternational.org) - review Wheels of Change International is helping people in Africa set up sustainable businesses by sending a base of used bicycles from the state.