
<== Site of the Week for 2012-07-30 ==>

Wilderness Watch

Wilderness Watch is an organization dedicated to long term quality stewardship of rangeland and wilderness resources.

In the video below Bill Worf of Wilderness Watch criticizes the Forest Service for ignoring old range surveys. The video points to a really big problem. Scientists tend to get married to their data, and become reluctant to look at alternative sources.

This is problematic in the realm of resource stewardship because we need to think in terms of centuries and not just quarters. Ignoring historical research simply because it doesn't fit current fashion creates a discontinuity in the stewardship.

After all, in 40 years, there will be a new fashion of research. The people of the new fashion will see today's research as quaint and inadequate ... and to be dismissed.

The Forest Service's Disregard for Historical Range Surveys from Mike Hudak on Vimeo.

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Site NameWilderness Watch
Review History2012-07-30
Category Missoula Websites: Nature
Page Views4257
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