
<== Site Review (2014-04-01) ==>

FireBall Monster Games

FireBall Monster Games by Montana Dan (Dan Leighly) blogs on gaming products and kickstarter projects.

Speaking of kickstarter ... Mr. Leighly is running a kickstarter game to create a deck of Zombie Plague playing cards.

The video shows the cards displayed with dramatic music in the background. The widget to the right shows the status of the campaign which ends April 8th, 2014.

And if no-one funds the game. Montana Dan just might open that tub of cottage cheese that's been sitting in the back of the fridge for the last several years and start his own private zombie plague in Missoula.

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Site NameFireBall Monster Games
Review History2014-04-01
Category Missoula Websites: blogs
Page Views3994
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