
This report shows the hit history for category Missoula Websites Shoe Stores. The hit counter for this directory shows 4353. The full tree contains 115 categories and has had 1177483 Hits. This directory has had 0.370% of the total. View all categories.

Category Information
CommunityMissoula Websites
CategoryShoe Stores
Category Hits4353
Active Links7
Page Views per Link621.9
Deleted Links1
Percent Deleted12.5%
I periodically buffer the total count. The following table shows the buffering timestamp, hits between buffers and the average per day. This last figure is the most significant as it shows the number of times a category gets viewed per day.
TimestampTotalHitsPer Day
2016-08-01 00:31130830451.013
2016-07-01 00:111266421.354
2016-06-01 09:491239270.912
2016-05-01 16:591210290.945
2016-03-31 08:201178321.020
2016-03-02 12:391141371.284
2016-02-01 00:071099421.376
2016-01-03 11:171065341.192
2015-11-01 00:031008570.898
2015-10-01 00:20974341.097
2015-09-01 07:51935391.314
2015-08-01 11:16911240.778
2015-05-04 12:03837740.832
2015-04-01 01:00799381.136
2015-03-01 00:20772270.870
2015-01-01 17:45723490.841
2014-12-05 11:59701220.808
2014-11-01 03:11663381.106
2014-10-01 00:05633300.964
2014-09-01 02:03613200.668
2014-08-01 09:21577361.173
2014-07-01 15:42548290.944
2014-06-01 09:02516321.057
2014-05-01 13:16483331.071
2014-04-01 00:08462210.687
2014-03-01 09:28422401.307
2014-02-01 09:05394280.999
2014-01-01 10:29367270.873
2013-12-01 00:10337300.955
2013-11-01 01:23312250.835
2013-10-01 00:43283290.935
2013-09-03 13:37255281.020
2013-08-15 00:03240150.767
2013-08-01 02:05227130.934
2013-07-15 12:32209181.087
2013-07-01 12:22195141.000
2013-06-15 00:46181140.849
2013-06-01 00:15171100.713
2013-05-15 00:1316740.235
2013-05-01 01:1716160.430
2013-04-15 12:49147140.902
2013-04-01 00:06131161.101
2013-03-15 10:21119120.724
2013-03-01 00:2011090.624
2013-02-14 11:4197130.895
2013-02-01 11:308890.692
2013-01-15 10:388170.411
2013-01-01 00:4970110.763
2012-12-15 20:0052181.111
2012-12-01 10:0435171.179
2012-11-15 12:0325100.628
2012-11-01 00:021870.483
2012-10-15 11:164140.847